Mark Waller

artist´s website click image

Mark Waller is an Australian artist living in NSW. He has been working with acrylics for more than thirty years.  Mark will occasionally paint portraits, but his passion lies in painting landscapes and seascapes.  He has exhibited widely since 1991, and is also a well-known tutor.  He has produced many tutorial videos and books showing his process, which includes an extensive website  and Youtube channel
Mark’s work has been profoundly influenced by facing his death on more than one occasion.  These experiences have led him to the understanding that there are fundamentally two paths to follow.  One involves finding magic in the mundane, awe in the everyday.  And that these moments take us out of just “surviving life” and put us in another realm of playing and the possibility of giving light.  “Heaven” can be found in the silence and majesty of those moments.

Quote – Seemingly just out of reach however, yet tantalisingly close, is another world. In this world there is an easy access to lives lived with wonder and celebration. The porthole to this magical place is in insignificant events and places and is unnoticed in our scramble for survival and our obsession with collecting “stuff”. The paradox is that these simple events and places have a complexity and power beyond imagination. They can transform our reality. – Unqote.

Painting these moments allows Mark to surrender to ”being”. He wallows in these moments. They are his sanity and solidity.